Selasa, 30 Juli 2019

All About Me

Hello Everybody!!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri. My name is long right?
I have lived 15 years in this world. Healthy, cheerful and loud. That's so me lol.
I was born Friday, 19th March 2004. I'm the only child in the family. I don't have sibling, but at least i have many cousins. My family background is Sundanese dan Minangnese.

So like i said before, i was the only child. And i can say that i really "manja" to my parents. Everything that i likes, they have to buy it. And because i'm the only child, i like to make friends in my pre-school or my neighborhood. I like to ride a bike, play monopoly, and go swimming. I swim because i have an ashtma. And because of swimming, i became taller than most of my friends.

I go to Karang Pawulang elemetary school at Karawitan Street, Buahbatu. And finished the study in 6 years just like normal people. There, i found a lot of “real friends” who still talk with me until this day. And i found a “friend” too, hehehe. Skip!

Then i go to 13 Junior Highschool, and finished the study in 3 years. My friendship is getting bigger than in elementary school. I have a nice, cute and smart bestie. Her name is Syauqia Zalfa. Now she moved to Surabaya because her parents have job in there. My jhs life is more colorful because i have a lot of friends, and we like to sharing about the lesson. But still there’s people who don’t like me because i’m too loud. But it’s okay, i used to act fine.

By the way, i haven’t talk about my hobby’s. I like to sing, dance and act since a kid. I’m talkative because of my granpa, he likes to talk with me since i was little. And because of that, i was chosen twice to be a ‘master ceremony’ in my kindergarten.

So that’s all for now. Thank you for reading.
See you next time! Good bubyeee!

Novel Review : Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

  Name: Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34) Class: XII Science 1 Resume Jim Hawkins, a young boy who lives with his parents and he helps his fat...