Selasa, 28 Januari 2020

Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

Japanese Folktale : Little Peachling

Many hundred years ago there lived an honest old woodcutter and his wife. One fine morning the old man went off to the hills with his billhook, to gather a faggot of sticks, while his wife went down to the river to wash the dirty clothes. When she came to the river, she saw a peach floating down the stream; so she picked it up, and carried it home with her, thinking to give it to her husband to eat when he should come in.

The old man soon came down from the hills, and the good wife set the peach before him, when, just as she was inviting him to eat it, the fruit split in two, and a little puling baby was born into the world. So the old couple took the babe, and brought it up as their own; and, because it had been born in a peach, they called it Momotaro, or Little Peachling.

By degrees Little Peachling grew up to be strong and brave, and at last one day he said to his old foster parents, "I am going to the ogres' island to carry off the riches that they have stored up there. Pray, then, make me some millet dumplings for my journey."

So the old folks ground the millet, and made the dumplings for him; and Little Peachling, after taking an affectionate leave of them, cheerfully set out on his travels.

As he was journeying on, he fell in with a monkey, who gibbered at him, and said: "Kia! kia! kia! where are you off to, Little Peachling?"

"I'm going to the ogres' island, to carry off their treasure," answered Little Peachling.

"What are you carrying at your girdle?"

"I'm carrying the very best millet dumplings in all Japan."

"If you'll give me one, I will go with you," said the monkey.

So Little Peachling gave one of his dumplings to the monkey, who received it and followed him. When he had gone a little further, he heard a pheasant calling: "Ken! ken! ken! where are you off to, Master Peachling?"

Little Peachling answered as before; and the pheasant, having begged and obtained a millet dumpling, entered his service, and followed him.

A little while after this, they met a dog, who cried: "Bow! wow! wow! whither away, Master Peachling?"

"I'm going off to the ogres' island, to carry off their treasure."

"If you will give me one of those nice millet dumplings of yours, I will go with you," said the dog.

"With all my heart," said Little Peachling. So he went on his way, with the monkey, the pheasant, and the dog following after him.

When they got to the ogres' island, the pheasant flew over the castle gate, and the monkey clambered over the castle wall, while Little Peachling, leading the dog, forced in the gate, and got into the castle. Then they did battle with the ogres, and put them to flight, and took their king prisoner. So all the ogres did homage to Little Peachling, and brought out the treasures which they had laid up. There were caps and coats that made their wearers invisible, jewels which governed the ebb and flow of the tide, coral, musk, emeralds, amber, and tortoise shell, besides gold and silver. All these were laid before Little Peachling by the conquered ogres.

So Little Peachling went home laden with riches, and maintained his foster parents in peace and plenty for the remainder of their lives.


1.  Who are the characters in the story?
2.  What's the moral value from the story?
3.  What does the old man do?
4.  Where the wife found a peach?
5.  Is it happy ending?

Direct Sentence

1.  he said to his old foster parents, "I am going to the ogres' island to carry off the riches that they have stored up there. Pray, then, make me some millet dumplings for my journey."
2.  he fell in with a monkey, who gibbered at him, and said: "Kia! kia! kia! where are you off to, Little Peachling?"
3. "If you'll give me one, I will go with you," said the monkey.
4.  they met a dog, who cried: "Bow! wow! wow! whither away, Master Peachling?"
5. "With all my heart," said Little Peachling.

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020

My Adventure Holiday

   After a hectic day because Dewa Athena and exam report, finally holiday is coming!
I would go to Singapore in the next two days. From night, i packed my luggage and other stuff that i needed. I'm very excited because I  really want to go there after 6 years. By the way, i'm was going only with my mom because my dad was busy with his project. And it's her first time, so I promised to guide her until the last day.
   The day that I wait was coming. We when to the stasion because we would take a train first to Jakarta then we took Grab to Soekarnohatta International Airport. After arriving at the airport, we checked in our luggage and got boarding pass. We when in to our airline lounge and chill there. I didnt forget to bring a new book that my aunt bought for me. Then the announcement was heard, that the plane would soon depart. I get ready with my stuff, turn off the phone and get in the queue.
Good Bye Indonesia!
   After 3 hours long of flight, finally we landed on Singapore. I immediately looked for Wifi to be rented out. And then we when to Jewel Changi and took a picture in there, it looks beautiful and cool. Afterward, we when to Terminal 2 because we would took MRT to go to our hotel that located in Rochor. It feels great to be here with my mom. We took one and a half hour by MRT and after we arriving at Rochor MRT Station, we immediately looked for 7Eleven because we were really hungry and we want to eat halal food. After that, we checked in to our hotel and take a rest for a whole night.
   Second day, we leaving early because we would go to Sentosa Island, more precisely to Universal Studio Singapore. We had to stop at Bayfront then change line to Marina Bay. After that we must go with a special rail line to go to Sentosa Island. In short, we arriving at Sentosa Island and hurry up to get in line for scan the ticket. When we already in, I go crazy and screaming a lot. I'm very happy and I play all day long.
   Third day, we would go to shopping for cheap souvenir. We when to Chinatown and Bugis Centre. In there, you can choose many kind of souvenirs like mug, t shirt and bag that have a Singapore flag or Singapore popular place just like Merlion. After shopping, i when to Masjid Sultan who doesn’t far from Bugis Centre. We took dzuhur prayer. And then we eat Ya Kun Kaya Toast who’s really famous as Singaporean breakfast dish. We really enjoying walk around Singapore, although it’s little bit hard for us because we rarely walk when we at Bandung.
   Ahh, last day. We leaving early again because we would took MRT to the airport. On the way, I feel little bit sad because we don’t have many time to spend on Singapore. We still have many bucket lists that haven’t complete yet. But it’s okay because I believe that we always have time, and maybe next time I’ll go to somewhere place that really cool or amazing. I hope so. In short our plane take off, flyed for 3 hours, and arriving safely back at Indonesia.

The end✨

Novel Review : Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

  Name: Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34) Class: XII Science 1 Resume Jim Hawkins, a young boy who lives with his parents and he helps his fat...