Selasa, 29 September 2020

My Goal, My Ambition

 Well it's been a long time since I post something on this blog. I think I should introduce myself again, so my name is Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri and now I'm in 11th grade. Wooww time flies so fast, right?

Today I'll tell about what I want in my future, such as my passion and any activities I do. Since I was little, my dream was going to be a doctor. Why? It's a simple reason, if you ask the kids on my time they probably want to be an astronaut or doctor or EVEN a president. We always dream high as we could, but day by day and I start to grow up. I go to junior high school, entering a new world that I never think before. And I start to believe in reality. Maybe, studying in college as Medical student is too hard for me. Seeing that I'm not the person who like to read a thick book. And the journey is so long to wait. 

And currently, as a 11th grader I was really close to the gate of college student life. I already attend some university open house and when Edu Passion is held. I still have interest on Biology, but now it isnt about "medical" but Marine Biology. And yeah, now I really want to go to ITB as Oceanography student. The reason why I jump into the "ocean" is because I really enjoy the sea, especially when I go snorkeling and diving. My favorite spot is Gili Trawangan, because it's my first experience as 3th grader in elementary school who really brave to feeding fish in the sea. I still dont know what I want to be when I already a Oceanography undergraduate, maybe working on Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatology and Geophysics or even a Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Aamiin, just pray for the best!

And the way to achieve my goals is definitely studying with passion. Although I'm not that genius, but I will working hard as could as I can. From now on, I starting to read some articles about marine and stuff like that. Maybe, beside being a student I'll start my own Youtube Channel and making vlogs when I was travelling especially when I'm on research to the sea with other friends. And also I want to be active when I was on College, like being in a college organization or angklung extracurricular and doing a band with friends.

So that's all from me, thank you for check out my blog. See u later, bye!👋

Novel Review : Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

  Name: Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34) Class: XII Science 1 Resume Jim Hawkins, a young boy who lives with his parents and he helps his fat...