Selasa, 28 Desember 2021

Novel Review : Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson


Name: Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34)

Class: XII Science 1


Jim Hawkins, a young boy who lives with his parents and he helps his father run an inn. One day, an old sailor entered the inn. He was tall and strong. The sailor was known as Captain Billy Bones and when he entered the inn, he took a sailor's chest with him. Jim was afraid of him. One morning, a shabby man with two missing fingers visited the inn. The man named Black Dog, he came to look for Captain Bones. The Captain was very surprised by the arrival of the Black Dog and they quarreled. Jim noticed Captain Bones was furious, while Black Dog left Admiral Benbow with a bit of a run. Not long since the arrival of Black Dog, a week later, returns a blind man who is also looking for Captain Bones. When they met, fighting broke out again and when the blind man left the inn, Captain Bones fell and died of a stroke.

After the Captain's death, Jim and his mother opened their sailor's chest and found some money and a treasure map. This map is what brought Jim along with some of his friends, a doctor, judge and former ship captain decided to set sail in search of the treasure island. Jim was very excited because this was his first trip across the ocean, but it turned out to be not as smooth as he had imagined. One day, on the boat Jim fell asleep in a barrel. He woke up when he heard some people talking nearby. These people didn't realize Jim was nearby, but Jim could hear very clearly what they were talking about and how surprised he was to learn that the men were plotting a rebellion. They plan to kill Jim and the rest of the ship so they can have the treasure. Jim had just found out about the evil plans of several people he considered friends, but he couldn't move, he was afraid that his whereabouts would be known.

My Opinion

I rarely read an adventure book, but this one is so good. The story was packed in a good way, the sentences also very easy to understand so I really recommend this book for you guys who love to learn english. My favorite character is Dr. Livesy, because among the characters, he's the one who I think really take care of Jim. I think that's all from me, and you can read the book by click the link down below. Thank you! <3

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Senin, 15 November 2021

How To Help Limit Climate Change?


English Task

by Fatharani Fathin (20) and Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34)


 What’s climate change?

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.


What do you think we should do to help limit climate change?

1. Eat less meat and dairy

Avoiding meat and dairy products is one of the biggest ways to reduce your environmental impact on the planet. Studies suggest that a high-fibre, plant-based diet is also better for your health - so it can be a win-win.Eat fewer or smaller portions of meat, especially red meat, which has the largest environmental impact, and reduce dairy products or switch them for non-dairy alternatives .

2. Cut back on flying

If you need to fly for work, consider using video-conferencing instead. For trips in the same country or continent, take the train or explore options using an electric car.When flying is unavoidable, pay a little extra for carbon offsetting.For leisure trips, choose nearby destinations, and fly economy – on average, a passenger in business class has a carbon footprint three times higher than someone in economy.

3.Reduce your energy use, and bills

Small changes to your behaviour at home will help you use less energy, cutting your carbon footprint and your energy bills: Put on an extra layer and turn down the heating a degree or two,Turn off lights and appliances when you don’t need them, Replace light bulbs with LEDs or other low-energy lights. Make simple changes to how you use hot water, like buying a water-efficient shower head.

4. Respect and protect green spaces

Create your own green space. Add pot plants to your window sill or balcony, and if you have your own outdoor space, don't replace the grass with paving or artificial turf.

5. Leave the car at home

Instead of getting in the car, walk or cycle – and enjoy the physical and mental health benefits, and the money saved. For longer journeys, use public transport, or try car sharing schemes.

6. Cut consumption – and waste

Try to minimise waste

a. Repair and reuse. Give unwanted items a new life by donating them to charity or selling them on.

b. Avoid wasting food. Let brands know if you think they are using too much packaging – some will take customer feedback seriously

Senin, 01 November 2021

Essay Task - XII SCIENCE 1

Name: Kevin Ardian & Raissa Nabila 


Theme: Do You Think Social Media is Good for Teenager

Social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share content with the public. Social media encompasses a wide range of websites and apps. Some, like Twitter, specialize in sharing links and short written messages. Others, like Instagram and TikTok, are built to optimize the sharing of photos and videos.

Anyone with internet access can sign up for a social media account. They can use that account to share whatever content they choose to, and the content they share reaches anyone who visits their page or profile.

In this generation, mostly teenagers are already using social media as a platform to socialize with others from all parts of the world. Social media allows teens to create online identities, communicate with others and build social networks. However, social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure.

Because of teens impulsive natures, experts suggest that teens who post content on social media are at risk of sharing intimate photos or highly personal stories. This can result in teens being bullied, harassed or even blackmailed. Teens often create posts without considering these consequences or privacy concerns.

To sum up, we should be careful on using social media especially for teenagers. Parental guidance is really needed, so parents can monitor what their kids are doing.

Senin, 23 Agustus 2021

Jumat, 26 Februari 2021

Procedure Video Assignment

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh~

Hello everyone! Good to see u again. My name is Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34) from XI SCIENCE 1. And today I’ll share about procedure video that I made to fulfill English Assignment. Happy Watching!❤️

Novel Review : Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

  Name: Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34) Class: XII Science 1 Resume Jim Hawkins, a young boy who lives with his parents and he helps his fat...