Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020

Recommendation Letter

Bandung, 31 October 2020

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I have been awarded the pleasure of knowing Fatharani Fathin Amanna as a friend for 8 years now. She has always shown brilliance in and out of academics since we were teenager and has continually and consistently done so up to this very moment. I strongly recommend her for the MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship Master program. 

I am very certain that Fatharani will progressively move forward with her studies, the same way that she has done so over the years. Her diligence has helped Bandung Institute of Technology to winning many state championships in academics. She has demonstrated great leadership skills winning the recently held Singapore State Science Fair in Nanyang Technological University.

Because of her proven achievements, I highly recommend Fatharani for your MEXT Japanese Government Scholarship Master program. She will prove to be an invaluable member of University of Tokyo with her impressive academic achievements and the proven skills that she have. Should you have any other additional questions regarding Fatharani’s character or achievements, please do not hesitate to contact me at 08971272772 as I will be more than happy to provide you with what you need.

Yours sincerely,

Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri 

Rabu, 14 Oktober 2020

Film Review : Nicos Weg - Deutsch lernen (A1)

  • ততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততততত



Review by: Raissa Nabila S (34)


Nicos Weg is about a Spanish young man named Nico who travels to Germany to see his aunt. But he ends up losing his bag (with his passport, phone, and aunt's address) at the airport, but he's helped by a little girl and her aunt. And from there, his journey is begin. Actually the story is spans A1-B1 with 19 units per level and 4 parts per unit. But what I watched is the A1 unit  and already become a pack of film. This film is really focus on how Nico improve his German skill by learning day by day.

This film is really perfect for exercise our German skill, but there's some minor quirks and unrealistic elements that I feel (e.g Nico learns German way too quickly and his accent when speaking is already good 0_o, probably because the actor is German), but it's well done overall. The story is in German (with German subtitles available and of course other languages too!). Therefore, I would recommend knowing a little German before picking up Nicos Weg so that you'll know the basic one and you can try to guess and understand what the dialogue means.

Review: For me, learning language is really fun. Especially I found that learning language by watching movies is really efficient. Because you can learning the sentences and there's a gesture + how to pronoun it right. For the first time I saw the duration of film, I shocked and thinking that it'll be boring because its FULL IN DEUTSCH and I still a beginner A1 Studentin. But time passes so fast, I can finish watching this good film. And I got more knowledge like how to asking question. And dont worry if u think u'll be confuse while watching, because this film also include what we have learn on 10th grade (e.g how to greet someone, how to read the clock, and counting number). My favorite part of the film is when Nico babysitting Emma and attend a party and meet his new friends that come from different country, but they're already good speaking in Deutsch.

Rating: 8 / 10

That's all that I can say about the film, sorry if its to0 short because I more suggest you to watch it by yourself😍

Click here to watchʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡

Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit, Auf Wiedersehen! \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/

Selasa, 29 September 2020

My Goal, My Ambition

 Well it's been a long time since I post something on this blog. I think I should introduce myself again, so my name is Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri and now I'm in 11th grade. Wooww time flies so fast, right?

Today I'll tell about what I want in my future, such as my passion and any activities I do. Since I was little, my dream was going to be a doctor. Why? It's a simple reason, if you ask the kids on my time they probably want to be an astronaut or doctor or EVEN a president. We always dream high as we could, but day by day and I start to grow up. I go to junior high school, entering a new world that I never think before. And I start to believe in reality. Maybe, studying in college as Medical student is too hard for me. Seeing that I'm not the person who like to read a thick book. And the journey is so long to wait. 

And currently, as a 11th grader I was really close to the gate of college student life. I already attend some university open house and when Edu Passion is held. I still have interest on Biology, but now it isnt about "medical" but Marine Biology. And yeah, now I really want to go to ITB as Oceanography student. The reason why I jump into the "ocean" is because I really enjoy the sea, especially when I go snorkeling and diving. My favorite spot is Gili Trawangan, because it's my first experience as 3th grader in elementary school who really brave to feeding fish in the sea. I still dont know what I want to be when I already a Oceanography undergraduate, maybe working on Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatology and Geophysics or even a Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Aamiin, just pray for the best!

And the way to achieve my goals is definitely studying with passion. Although I'm not that genius, but I will working hard as could as I can. From now on, I starting to read some articles about marine and stuff like that. Maybe, beside being a student I'll start my own Youtube Channel and making vlogs when I was travelling especially when I'm on research to the sea with other friends. And also I want to be active when I was on College, like being in a college organization or angklung extracurricular and doing a band with friends.

So that's all from me, thank you for check out my blog. See u later, bye!👋

Senin, 20 Juli 2020

Suggestion and Offers dialogue

Suggestion and Offers dialogue
Topic: Independence Day

The member of Karang Taruna of the Mutiara Indah Residence is having a meeting to discuss about their plans to celebrate Independence Day in their neighborhood. Dita being the leader of the event start their meeting.

Dita: Alright everyone, we will be in charge for the Independence Day event. So, what do you guys think we should do?

Felix: How about we make a crackers eating competition? You know, to keep up with the tradition.

Kai: In my opinion crackers eating competition is not that fun, how about we have a bike decor competition? So the younger kids can show off their creativity

Yerin: That's not half bad actually, what about for the adults? Anyone?

Sakura: A tik tok contest? I mean, it's quite trending right now

All the member laugh at Sakura's joke, but in the end they're out of ideas and they went with tik tok as one of the competition


The members are preparing for independence day. They start the day with an opening ceremony and many other things they need to take care of. Yuta is at the back stage, wrapping rewards and prizes for the winner of the competition.

Dita: Yuta, Are you finished? Do you need a hand?

Yuta: Yeah, just a little bit more. It's okay though, Don't worry about me.

Afterward, Dita coordinate the others to stay in their post.

Dita: Sakura and Hani, you two are gonna be watching the Word Guess post. Felix and Kai, you guys are at the crackers and tug-of-war post.  Finally, Lia and Yerin, you two will be at the sack race and bakiak post.

Sakura, Hani: Alright Dit, we'll be on our way.

Felix, Kai: Aye aye, captain!

Lia, Yerin: Okie dokie!

Meanwhile, Dita's job is to judge the bike decor and Tik Tok videos. Time flies and without them realizing, the event is already over. They then give the rewards and prizes for the winner. Last but not least, they took a group photo to remember their hard work today. Happy Independence Day!❤️🇮🇩

Selasa, 10 Maret 2020

Indonesia's Financial Crisis in 1998

By: Hayfa Felicia T.W (21) & Raissa Nabila S (33)
X Science 1

Since the independence of Indonesia till now, Indonesia has gone through several phases. One of which is the reign of Soeharto. Under his government, the economy of Indonesia is grew fast. But despite his success, it ended with the financial crisis in Indonesia in 1998. The crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997 -1998 is not the first crisis faced by Indonesia. However, the crisis is quite severe and it is caused by some cases in Indonesia. There are some causes of financial crisis in Indonesia.

First reason is the weakening Indonesian economic growth, which was caused by American currency. This reason emerged in the trade world, in which the prises of imported goods rose up. According to Tarmidi (1999, vol.4 no.1)Second reason is private foreign debt. According to (Investopedia, 2013). The third reason is the implementation of policies that are not carried out continously.  According to Tarmidi (1999, vol.4).

The last reason is a lot of corruption that happen in Indonesia. According to Investopedia (2017) “Corruption is dishonest behavior by those in positions of power, such as managers or government officials”. Corruption can include giving or accepting bribes or inappropriate gifts, double dealing, manipulating elections, diverting funds, laundering money and defrauding investors. So, corruption is an action baneful to many parties. According to the PBB report, state assets stolen by Suharto and his family is estimated at 15 billion dollars to 35 billion US dollars. The figure was higher than theft committed by the Philippine dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, which ranges from 5 billion to 10 billion US dollars. As the result is corruption has not been completely eradicated and even now impressed added increasedIndonesia economic crisis that  accured in the initial 1998 had a big impact on the country and its people. The crisis was indicated, mostly by the inflation rate which was high enough.


Selasa, 28 Januari 2020

Selasa, 21 Januari 2020

Japanese Folktale : Little Peachling

Many hundred years ago there lived an honest old woodcutter and his wife. One fine morning the old man went off to the hills with his billhook, to gather a faggot of sticks, while his wife went down to the river to wash the dirty clothes. When she came to the river, she saw a peach floating down the stream; so she picked it up, and carried it home with her, thinking to give it to her husband to eat when he should come in.

The old man soon came down from the hills, and the good wife set the peach before him, when, just as she was inviting him to eat it, the fruit split in two, and a little puling baby was born into the world. So the old couple took the babe, and brought it up as their own; and, because it had been born in a peach, they called it Momotaro, or Little Peachling.

By degrees Little Peachling grew up to be strong and brave, and at last one day he said to his old foster parents, "I am going to the ogres' island to carry off the riches that they have stored up there. Pray, then, make me some millet dumplings for my journey."

So the old folks ground the millet, and made the dumplings for him; and Little Peachling, after taking an affectionate leave of them, cheerfully set out on his travels.

As he was journeying on, he fell in with a monkey, who gibbered at him, and said: "Kia! kia! kia! where are you off to, Little Peachling?"

"I'm going to the ogres' island, to carry off their treasure," answered Little Peachling.

"What are you carrying at your girdle?"

"I'm carrying the very best millet dumplings in all Japan."

"If you'll give me one, I will go with you," said the monkey.

So Little Peachling gave one of his dumplings to the monkey, who received it and followed him. When he had gone a little further, he heard a pheasant calling: "Ken! ken! ken! where are you off to, Master Peachling?"

Little Peachling answered as before; and the pheasant, having begged and obtained a millet dumpling, entered his service, and followed him.

A little while after this, they met a dog, who cried: "Bow! wow! wow! whither away, Master Peachling?"

"I'm going off to the ogres' island, to carry off their treasure."

"If you will give me one of those nice millet dumplings of yours, I will go with you," said the dog.

"With all my heart," said Little Peachling. So he went on his way, with the monkey, the pheasant, and the dog following after him.

When they got to the ogres' island, the pheasant flew over the castle gate, and the monkey clambered over the castle wall, while Little Peachling, leading the dog, forced in the gate, and got into the castle. Then they did battle with the ogres, and put them to flight, and took their king prisoner. So all the ogres did homage to Little Peachling, and brought out the treasures which they had laid up. There were caps and coats that made their wearers invisible, jewels which governed the ebb and flow of the tide, coral, musk, emeralds, amber, and tortoise shell, besides gold and silver. All these were laid before Little Peachling by the conquered ogres.

So Little Peachling went home laden with riches, and maintained his foster parents in peace and plenty for the remainder of their lives.


1.  Who are the characters in the story?
2.  What's the moral value from the story?
3.  What does the old man do?
4.  Where the wife found a peach?
5.  Is it happy ending?

Direct Sentence

1.  he said to his old foster parents, "I am going to the ogres' island to carry off the riches that they have stored up there. Pray, then, make me some millet dumplings for my journey."
2.  he fell in with a monkey, who gibbered at him, and said: "Kia! kia! kia! where are you off to, Little Peachling?"
3. "If you'll give me one, I will go with you," said the monkey.
4.  they met a dog, who cried: "Bow! wow! wow! whither away, Master Peachling?"
5. "With all my heart," said Little Peachling.

Selasa, 07 Januari 2020

My Adventure Holiday

   After a hectic day because Dewa Athena and exam report, finally holiday is coming!
I would go to Singapore in the next two days. From night, i packed my luggage and other stuff that i needed. I'm very excited because I  really want to go there after 6 years. By the way, i'm was going only with my mom because my dad was busy with his project. And it's her first time, so I promised to guide her until the last day.
   The day that I wait was coming. We when to the stasion because we would take a train first to Jakarta then we took Grab to Soekarnohatta International Airport. After arriving at the airport, we checked in our luggage and got boarding pass. We when in to our airline lounge and chill there. I didnt forget to bring a new book that my aunt bought for me. Then the announcement was heard, that the plane would soon depart. I get ready with my stuff, turn off the phone and get in the queue.
Good Bye Indonesia!
   After 3 hours long of flight, finally we landed on Singapore. I immediately looked for Wifi to be rented out. And then we when to Jewel Changi and took a picture in there, it looks beautiful and cool. Afterward, we when to Terminal 2 because we would took MRT to go to our hotel that located in Rochor. It feels great to be here with my mom. We took one and a half hour by MRT and after we arriving at Rochor MRT Station, we immediately looked for 7Eleven because we were really hungry and we want to eat halal food. After that, we checked in to our hotel and take a rest for a whole night.
   Second day, we leaving early because we would go to Sentosa Island, more precisely to Universal Studio Singapore. We had to stop at Bayfront then change line to Marina Bay. After that we must go with a special rail line to go to Sentosa Island. In short, we arriving at Sentosa Island and hurry up to get in line for scan the ticket. When we already in, I go crazy and screaming a lot. I'm very happy and I play all day long.
   Third day, we would go to shopping for cheap souvenir. We when to Chinatown and Bugis Centre. In there, you can choose many kind of souvenirs like mug, t shirt and bag that have a Singapore flag or Singapore popular place just like Merlion. After shopping, i when to Masjid Sultan who doesn’t far from Bugis Centre. We took dzuhur prayer. And then we eat Ya Kun Kaya Toast who’s really famous as Singaporean breakfast dish. We really enjoying walk around Singapore, although it’s little bit hard for us because we rarely walk when we at Bandung.
   Ahh, last day. We leaving early again because we would took MRT to the airport. On the way, I feel little bit sad because we don’t have many time to spend on Singapore. We still have many bucket lists that haven’t complete yet. But it’s okay because I believe that we always have time, and maybe next time I’ll go to somewhere place that really cool or amazing. I hope so. In short our plane take off, flyed for 3 hours, and arriving safely back at Indonesia.

The end✨

Novel Review : Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

  Name: Raissa Nabila Sofyaniputri (34) Class: XII Science 1 Resume Jim Hawkins, a young boy who lives with his parents and he helps his fat...