Senin, 20 Juli 2020

Suggestion and Offers dialogue

Suggestion and Offers dialogue
Topic: Independence Day

The member of Karang Taruna of the Mutiara Indah Residence is having a meeting to discuss about their plans to celebrate Independence Day in their neighborhood. Dita being the leader of the event start their meeting.

Dita: Alright everyone, we will be in charge for the Independence Day event. So, what do you guys think we should do?

Felix: How about we make a crackers eating competition? You know, to keep up with the tradition.

Kai: In my opinion crackers eating competition is not that fun, how about we have a bike decor competition? So the younger kids can show off their creativity

Yerin: That's not half bad actually, what about for the adults? Anyone?

Sakura: A tik tok contest? I mean, it's quite trending right now

All the member laugh at Sakura's joke, but in the end they're out of ideas and they went with tik tok as one of the competition


The members are preparing for independence day. They start the day with an opening ceremony and many other things they need to take care of. Yuta is at the back stage, wrapping rewards and prizes for the winner of the competition.

Dita: Yuta, Are you finished? Do you need a hand?

Yuta: Yeah, just a little bit more. It's okay though, Don't worry about me.

Afterward, Dita coordinate the others to stay in their post.

Dita: Sakura and Hani, you two are gonna be watching the Word Guess post. Felix and Kai, you guys are at the crackers and tug-of-war post.  Finally, Lia and Yerin, you two will be at the sack race and bakiak post.

Sakura, Hani: Alright Dit, we'll be on our way.

Felix, Kai: Aye aye, captain!

Lia, Yerin: Okie dokie!

Meanwhile, Dita's job is to judge the bike decor and Tik Tok videos. Time flies and without them realizing, the event is already over. They then give the rewards and prizes for the winner. Last but not least, they took a group photo to remember their hard work today. Happy Independence Day!❤️🇮🇩

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